Tuesday 4 October 2011


Watermelon juice may be next "Green" fuel
by John Roach
August 28, 2009

As scientists at U.S figured out, our favorite summer fruit can be used as fuel. Watermelon's juice may be used as bio-fuel. 1/5  of all watermelons contain rids that turn off consumers so farmers leave them because they are substantial. Why? Because the wasted sugar is an ethanol source, based on scientists. But isn't it waste? It is waste of watermelons but you can conserve energy and money. So when you go on a picnic trip don't throw the watermelons, they can be useful.

 I chose this article because watermelon is my favorite fruit and because I want to learn solutions about helping ecology. The title was very well-performed and grabbed my attention. I learned that the juice of watermelons can turn into fuel and that is something that can make us improve but we have to waist a lot of watermelons. I believe it is true because this is a site that we can trust and it never talks about things that doesn't exist.I was very surprised when I read this article because I have never thought something like this could ever be true. Fortunately it was. This article affects the world of science because it may solve many problems and improve the ecology.

I hope you liked it 


  1. Is it the fruit or the rind of the fruit, you know, the outside? This was a great article, however, it is two years old. Please try to keep your current events...current. You are doing a wonderful job with these assignments. Keep up the great work!!! :)

  2. The juice of the fruit is making fuel !
