Tuesday 28 February 2012

Video Of The Week - Apollo 17 Astronauts Frolic On The Moon!

Video Of The Week - Apollo 17 Astronauts Frolic On The Moon!

by: Meera Dolasia on 02/27/2012

           One of the biggest events in the history was when NASA landed a spacecraft on the moon for the first time!  As everyone knows, the spacecraft was named Apollo 11 and it was landed on June 20, 1969. The three astronauts, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins were the first one to fly there and were very excited because it is really cool and awesome to factually land and step on the moon! the real Moon. Everyone would be excited if we was about to lad on the moon, so they were and  Neil Armstrong for to show his excitement or to stay in history, he said “This is one small step for a man, a giant leap for mankind” according to the Article. But on December 7, 1972 another spacecraft landed on the moon with two astronauts as a crew named Harrison Schmitt and Eugene Cernan. Those two men did something really funny and something that only kids would do (but they were really excited); they were jumping up and down singing a son named ‘I was strolling on the moon one day”. !!

          I chose this article because landing on the Moon was one of the most important events that happened in history and none would expect the second landing like that. But if I were on the Moon I would also be very excited and do something silly. This video is interesting and I think it could attract anyone’s interest and since we are on the astronomy unit and we are doing about the phases of the moon I found it suitable for my current event.

Citation: Dolasia, Meera. "Video Of The Week - Apollo 17 Astronauts Frolic On The Moon!"DOGO News. 27 Feb. 2012. Web. 28 Feb. 2012. <http://www.dogonews.com/2012/2/27/video-of-the-week-apollo-17-astronauts-frolic-on-the-moon>.

WATCH THE VIDEO: (link)http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_qBSYFGkwkM

The moon phases

Yesterday in class we did a lab where we observed the moon phases.


  1. In your model, what represents the Earths? The sun? The moon? A big foam ball represented Earth, a smaller one the moon and the sun was a flashlight.
  2. Refer back to your eight circles. How much lighted part of the ball did you see when facing the lamp? As in the moon phase one, from Earth you can’t see anything because the sun is behind it but as in number three you can see the whole moon (the part that s facing Earth).
  3. Label your drawings with the names of the phases of the moon. Which drawing represents a full moon? A new moon? Which represents the waxing crescent? The waning crescent? Number one represents a new moon since you can’t see anything because the sun is behind the moon. The fool moon is the figure five were you can see the whole moon since the sun is in front of the moon. The waxing crescent is number two and the waning crescent represents number eight.
  4. How much lighted part of the ball did you see after each turn? If you observe the phases of the moon from space (the top of your experiment) you would see both side and each of them would be brightened or lightened, depended on in which phase it was. When you look at it from Earth you can see only one side of the moon and sometimes it is full dark or bright (new or fool moon) and sometimes you could see half of it (first and last/third quarter) and at last from some point you could see one third of it (waxing, waning crescent, waxing and waning gibbous).
  5. Wether you could  see it or not, how much of the ball’s surface was always lit by the lamp Was the darkness of the new moon caused by an eclipse? Explain your answer. Always half of the moon was lightened but we couldn’t see it always (depending on the side you are, the angle you see it from). The lightened part of the moon was facing the sun so we couldn’t see it so the new moon is not caused by an eclipse.
  6. Write a brief analysis of this lab. How well did making a model help you understand the phases of the moon? What are some disadvantages of using models? What is another way to make a model to represent various phases of the moon? Creating a lab was really important for me because I understood the phases of the moon, got to see the from different angles and how it looks from the front and the back but also see it from the space view and earth view. A disadvantage of making a model is that it is not really accurate but it help and another way of making a lab is using our heads and a bigger flashlight so we can observe it better.