Tuesday 1 November 2011

Fuel Cells: energy source of the Future

Fuel Cells
Energy Source of the Future

Everybody asks themselves what are we going to do in the future when we run out of certain forms of energy? But experts have the solution: we will have fuel cells to create energy. But what is a fuel cell? A fuel cell, according to this article, “Is a device that uses a source of fuel, such as hydrogen, and oxidant to create electricity from an electrochemical process.” This is amazing isn’t it? As all fuel cells work and have the same basic configure it will work like batteries. Based on the experts’ investigations and knowledge it might work also with the combination of fuel and an oxidant. If you use diesel or methanol or other natural sources it doesn’t really matter. In the future we will use fuel cells like real fuel to power our future cars. It will also power our cell phone and other electrical devices and they can also be used for to provide clean and reliable source for hospitals and other important buildings that consume a lot of energy. This fuel cell it is not only good a power saver source but it is also healthy for your health.
I chose this article because in those days we cause a lot of problems, like humans, for example burning forests and cutting down trees that limit the power that we can take and ruins our own habitat. This is a very good solution for the future that may solve a lot of problems. The title “Fuel cells” is really interesting because it is a new idea. I learned that as years pass and the problems are getting much bigger every year that is an excuse for to make new machines that actually improve us and solve the problems that we made. It is really nice to see that people care about you and all the people all over the world and don’t just sit down in a chair and say  “ They did it is not my fault, the fix it” or “I can do nothing”.  It was pretty much interesting to read this article because (as I mentioned again) it is a new idea and you don’t usually hear or see something like this every day.   

"Fuel Cells: energy source of the Future." National Geographic: n. pag. National Geographic. Web. 1 
Nov. 2011. <http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/ 

Monday 31 October 2011

Dirt: the movie

Dirt the movie by Bill Benenson and Gene Rosow

Movie summary:
Dirt is allover the place, in the ground you are stepping on, in your food, even in you body. We are basil made from the 5 same elements that Earth is made of. Dirt is very much alive. It might be more alive than we are. About 4.5 billion years ago Earth was a fire ball made from rocks, it turned into this kind of Earth we know today but when humans came everything changed about Earth. Dirt is is precious because it keeps our biosphere clean. But what makes dirt? Dirt is made from Mysilioum but dirt includes other living things like worms and fungi and that makes actually dirt living. Everything is recycled water and soil. The water we drink now it is pee of dinosaurs and the soil is poop of animals. A lot of religions believe that God made us from dirt (we are dirt). In countries dirt is a multiplied used material and without clean dirt we would survive extreme climate events. Did you know that you create desert wherever you are? Agriculture is basically a war between soil and us. But does it really affects only dirt? Dirt, people and other living organisations are a big chain and if you destroy the first part of the chain everything splits into little pieces. You ruing soil, people have nowhere to plant their food and then they leave the region for other places. They don't have clean water but some of them don't even have water because of the ruin of the soil. People say it is really nice too dig in the dirt because it makes you fell closer and closer to Mother Nature. So everything is based on soil
(almost everything). Even you...