Friday 25 May 2012

Epicenter Analysis

Analayze and Conclude

  1. Observe the 3 circles you have drawn. Where is the earthquake's epicenter? The epicenter of the earthquake is somewhere near Kentucky (Frankfort)
  2. Which city on the map is closest to the earthquake's epicenter? How far, in kilometers, is the city from the epicenter? The closest city, in the map, to the epicenter of the earthquake is Nashville  and it is 100 kilometers far
  3. In which of the 3 cities listed in the data table would seismographs detect the earthquake first? Last? The first one is Chicago the next one is Houston and the last one is Denver
  4. About how far from San Francisco is the epicenter that you found? What would the difference be in arrival times of the P waves and S waves for a recording station in San Francisco. The difference in arrival times is 2,800 kilometers
  5. What happens to the difference in arrival times between P waves and S waves as the distance from the erthquake increases?

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